Sunday, July 20, 2014

Tribune to Parents: Stop Fighting Mineral Resources

As if having a governor who does not care about health impacts to our children isn't bad enough, and threatens to do anything to defeat ballot Initiatives 88 and 89, our Greeley Tribune editors add insult to injury! One person I shared the editorial with, responded:

"Sad! Very sad for the editorial board to proclaim you must reciprocate. Tell the Tribune editorial board this is known as the Stockholm syndrome. Being cordial to one's captors... We get the point this is not as bad as it was, but it's still unacceptable to be captured by this industrial giant far too close to our schools. We support initiative #88 to make future wells at least farther away."

Of course, all this push back; the pro fracking television ads from the industry, the threats from the governor, and also this Tribune editorial mean only one thing. Those who favor jobs over the health and well-being of residents and children, are clearly concerned that the majority of people in Colorado are prepared to get these initiatives on the ballot and will also vote in favor of them. As you read the editorial, keep in mind what San Juan residents found in air samples they took themselves, after becoming ill and they could not convince government agencies to respond to their concerns. Find their full report here.

Here's the Tribune's editorial of July 18, 2014

Frontier parents must reciprocate neighborly gesture

 from Mineral Resources 

Sometimes knowing when not to fight is as important as deciding to passionately take up a cause. That’s true for the group of Frontier Academy parents who are continuing their efforts to block a drilling project near the school. In April, the group of parents and like-minded supporters fought against a plan to place 19 wells, 19 separators and 24 tanks on a well pad about 500 feet from Frontier’s playground property line and 800 feet from the school building at 2560 29th St.

In face of the opposition, the energy company, Greeley-based Mineral Resources, halted its plans for the development, and vowed to work to find a new solution. While it is true that Mineral Resources could have sought that solution before the plans became controversial, it’s also true that the company had every legal right to go ahead with the original plan, which had already been given approval by state regulators under older, less stringent setback rules.

The new application is for 19 wells and 20 tanks 1,512 feet away from the school and more than 1,000 feet away from the playground. The application, which was filed in June, has a target date for approval and permitting by the state of Sept. 1. It is in the public feedback phase. All comments must be received by the COGCC by July 28 to be considered.

 We were sympathetic to the concerns raised by the group of Frontier Parents in April. The project struck us as too close for comfort, and we were glad to see Mineral Resources seek an alternative drilling site. Now, Mineral Resources has, at its own expense, moved the drilling site to a distance from the school that exceeds the state’s new tougher requirements. We think that makes a decisive difference. So do regulators, which is why they set the standard — the toughest in the nation — at 1,000 feet.

We don’t blame parents at Frontier for worrying about their children’s safety. But no amount of distance will provide absolute security, and we must work with energy companies, especially when they’ve shown a willingness to be good neighbors. If we don’t, we only remove the incentive for the companies to take such measures. If we’re not willing to be good neighbors, too, the only incentive we leave for the drillers is to press for every advantage the law allows, regardless of local concerns. That’s not good for anyone.

 — The Tribune Editorial Board

If you want to leave a comment with the COGCC to oppose drilling at the school, click here: South Greeley Directional File # 400604803 to access it. After a few seconds you will be redirected to the correct page, then click on comment on the right, and then on New Comment to add your own. Be sure to copy the code that appears!

If you want to sign the petitions to get initiatives 88 and 89 on the November ballot, please stop by at Centennial Park Library this coming week in the morning hours as some people will be there waiting for you to give you that chance! Read here what they entail.

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