Thursday, September 19, 2013

South Platte Oil Spill Near Milliken

MILLIKEN —Oil and gas releases from 10 different sites in flooded areas of Colorado are being tracked by state and federal regulations. Two of the releases were "significant" and the remaining eight are being classified as minor, according to an update from the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.

Minor spills are considered sheens coming off of a piece of equipment rather than a measurable volume of petroleum product. Anadarko Petroleum Corp. reported two releases Wednesday: a release of 125 barrels — about 5,225 gallons — into the South Platte near Milliken and a release of 323 barrels — about 13,500 gallons — from a tank farm on the St. Vrain River near Firestone.

Read more: Denver Post - State Now Tracking 10 Oil and Gas Spills in Flood Zone

Also view this picture gallery provided by the Denver Post.

Colorado floods cause oil and gas spills

A typical gas well, positioned too closely to the river, and homes

According to a study in Colorado that sampled air quality over the course of three years, people living within a half-mile of an oil or gas well were exposed to a number of toxic chemicals including benzene, a known carcinogen. VOC levels measured five times the safety limit set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
"For children, the potential cancer risk is a serious consideration. They are more sensitive, exposed at younger ages and for longer periods of time," said Lisa McKenzie, lead researcher on the study at the Colorado School of Public Health.
 See: Gas Wells Poisoning Children's Air 

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